Monday, March 19, 2012

Concord MA Center

Hardware Store

Concord Library

Main street 

Colonial INN

Helen's Cafe

Concord Shops


  1.      This is Concord Center MA, in my hometown. It is filled with cafes and shops that line the whole center; including a hardware store, toy shop, and Several clothing stores, a few restaurants, a library, and a very old beer and wine shop. After watching the TED video I looked to Concord center and thought it was designed really well. Just like in the lecture, there are building with "restaurants and shops on the ground floor, and offices and apartments on the upper levels". There are a lot of benches and stone walls to sit on as well as a big green area behind all the shops in the center. However there are a few antique stores that are up really high stares that nobody ever goes into. It seems the mane attraction to the center is all the local restaurants and cafes, I also have come to the conclusion that all the shops are geared towards women, I never see any men shopping in the handbag store, or the designer clothing store "BLEU". In concord most of the houses are trying to be "country like" more because they are much older. The newer developments in concord are looking more like "TV's", bigger more "NORMAL" looking. we recently moved into a new house last year, our old house was an older style colonial house, now I guess i could describe my house as a TV, one side of the entire house only has one window, really weird. A lot more newer developments are being seen more and more in concord, some think it is taking away from the historical value of the town, Im not sure what it means, but it is definitely starting to go in the direction of everyone having DVD and TV houses.

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